Cy-Fair Woodwind Caption 2018 - Woodwind feature from Time Waits for No Man


The Cy-Fair High School Woodwind Section

This video features excerpts from Cy-Fair High School’s 2018 production of Time Waits for No Man. Filmed after a marching band rehearsal on Halloween, it represents the culmination of our work in preparation for our final performance at the Texas UIL State Marching Contest.

Several of the students featured here performed at the Midwest Clinic a month later.

The Cy-Fair High School Clarinet Section

Here is a short excerpt recorded during my clarinet class. The video was later posted to Facebook (by Box Six), where it has since accumulated nearly 250,000 views, in addition to praise from a few unexpected sources:

“Clarinet feature? I love it. This is very good. So happy to see you achieving this the "real way" - with wind instruments. I hope you get maximum credit for individual skills, and for using clarinets... Top box work here. Congratulations!”

- Alfred Watkins, Director of Bands (retired), Lassiter High School



Cy-Fair High School Clarinet Section 2017 - Woodwind Feature from Journey